Colonel Popcorn- Drow Bard

Colonel Popcorn- Drow Bard

Though very aware of the world’s many pitfalls, Colonel Popcorn is the most sane person in the party. He used to be much more confident & reckless, but after a particularly traumatizing event, he is now prone to nervous breakdowns. He is like the mother of the group, keeping them all from certain death. His closest friend in the party (i.e. the one he trusts the most) is ironically River Butterball, the party rogue. Colonel Popcorn is a drow bard, and his powers come from playing his flute. He is followed by Purrcy, the black cat that he picked up on his travels in Ravenloft. He has trouble rushing into fights as easily as everyone else, but once he joins the fight, he is a valuable ally. Though everyone in the party mostly ignores the logic and directions given by Colonel P., when it comes down to it, it is clear who everyone looks up to for help.

Colonel Popcorn picture done by a good friend of PotatoCat and SquirrelHat.


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