

Tara Finch


“Earth?” Tara looked up into the shinning eyes of her guiding goddess. “Really?”

“Yes, dear, we need you to go to Earth.”

“Wow,” Tara’s eyes filled with wonder. “I’ve always wanted to go to Earth! How is it? Have you been? What will I do there? How will I get there? Will I have a guide? Am I being tested? Is this just a practice test? Are you tricking me? Will I have-“

“Tara, honey, calm down. This is real.”

“So, I’m really….”

“Yes. You’re finally going to get your first mission.”

Tara lips slid into her biggest smile of the day.

“I’m ready!” she says.

“We’ll have to see about that,” the goddess sighed under her breath. “Only time will tell that.”

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